19 Best Travel Blogs Stats 2024 [Looking at Top Trends]

travel blogs stats

In recent years, travel blogs have seen a jump in numbers due to bloggers figuring out that they can make money from sharing their experiences and adventures online.

This article will explore travel blogs stats and follow the trends and demographics.

General Travel Blogging Stats and Facts 2024

  1. 59% of travel bloggers run more than just one blog
  2. Travel planning is done primarily through the internet – over 80%
  3. The average open rate for emails is 28% in the travel category
  4. Most travel blogs have only been around for 1-4 years
  5. About 21.8% of travel bloggers are veterans, blogging for 5 years or more

Travel Blogs Stats for Content and Readers 2024

  1. High-ranking travel content generally has 1,140 – 1,285 words per post.
  2. Articles with images (get 94% more views)
  3. Curious travelers tend to be more interested in seeing where they can possibly go instead of reading about it. We are visual creatures. After all
  4. 33% of US travelers use travel blogs
  5. ​​40% of travel bookings are done through smartphone devices

Travel Blogging Stats for Marketers 2024

  1. 94% of travel blogs sell advertising
  2. The main income source is publication use and sponsored posts
  3. $200 is the average charge for a sponsored post
  4. Every year, the consumption of digital travel content observes double-digit growth.

General Travel Blogging Stats and Facts

A lifestyle blogger concept, a girl on the laptop screen.

  1. The fastest-growing travel region in the world is the Middle East (Palestinian territories lead with a 57.8% growth)
  2. 23% of all international arrivals in 2017 were under 30 years of age
  3. Solo trips lead the way in North America at 69%
  4. The average number of days spent on vacation for Millennials is 8.5, while Baby Boomers spend 10.5 days traveling.
  5. Most Photographed locations: Central Park in NYC, Big Ben in London, and Eiffel Tower in Paris

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How many travel bloggers are there?

With nearly 31 million active bloggers in the US, we calculate that there are as many as hundreds of thousands of active travel bloggers.

How competitive is travel blogging?

Travel blogging is considered very competitive, with bloggers in the hundreds of thousands.

Considering the fact that many of these bloggers own more than one blog, you are competing with millions.

However, with the increase in travel blog readership (remember that every year sees double-digit growth) there is definitely a high demand for more travel blogs.

Is travel blogging profitable?

In general, only around 50% of bloggers make a profit from blogging, and the average in terms of travel blogging is around that percentage, as well.

In order to make money as a travel blogger, it’s important to have sponsorships, and you need to be in the top 1% of bloggers to really make a substantial amount and make it your living.

You must also understand that you end up spending more to keep the site up. So, for some, it can be a hobby that costs them more money than it makes them.

How many Millennials read travel blogs?

The majority of travel blog readers are Millennials, as the majority of travel is taken by millennials at this time, especially since they are the largest generation to date, at 31.5% of the population.


With Covid Restrictions now becoming more relaxed, travel is expected to increase, and in turn, the readership of travel blogs.

Hopefully, these travel blog stats have answered any questions you may have about starting your own blog!



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