23 Impressive Uber Stats 2024 [Rideshare Market Domination]

Uber stats concept, a man and a woman are waiting for taxi around skyscrapers.

Key Uber Stats 2024

  1. With service available in 10,000 cities across 71 countries, globally, Uber is the leading rideshare app.
  2. In 16 months from its founding in 2009, it hit $1 billion in gross bookings, which was an explosive arrival as a new company.
  3. Today the Uber platform is used by 93 million customers.
  4. Uber has 3.5 million drivers.
  5. About 22%, or $5.58 billion, of Uber’s gross rideshare bookings, are made up of only 5 cities, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Sao Paolo, and London.
  6. The Uber app was installed 95 million times in the year 2020 whereas Lyft was only downloaded 25 million times.
  7. Over half of Uber’s employees (54.37%) are outside the U.S at 12,400. The total number of Uber employees is 22,400.

Uber Ride Statistics 2024

  1. Every quarter Uber completes 1.44 billion rides.
  2. From the end of 2019 to the end of 2020 the amount of monthly Uber users had decreased by 9.7% to 93 million users.
  3. The number of drivers before the pandemic was about 5 million, and that saw a large decrease throughout the pandemic to about 3.5 million drivers at present.
  4. When it comes to percentages Uber dominates the US rideshare market at 63% whereas 27% use just lift and both Uber and Lyft are used by 10%.
  5. Even those people who used both rideshare apps spent 46.15% more on Uber annually with an average of $247. Before the pandemic, they averaged $481 with Uber.
  6. Uber is very widespread and is active in 900 cities.
  7. There were over 5 million drivers for Uber worldwide in 2021.

Uber Market Share and Revenue Stats 2024

Uber Market Share and Revenue Stats

  1. In 2020 Uber made $26.61 billion in gross bookings
  2. The US rideshare market is dominated by Uber, which has a 68% share.
  3. In 2020 bookings for Uber platforms totaled about $58 billion, so the gross transaction value was 45.88% of the gross transaction value.
  4. In 2020 there was a decrease in mobility bookings 2019 by about 46.46%. This came down to $49.7 billion in 2019.
  5. Back in 2015 Uber had a market share of 91%. That was its peak and has been declining ever since that time.
  6. It’s forecasted that Uber will make $35.51 billion through the year 2022. Before the pandemic, this would represent a 22.96% increase.
  7. An Uber employee’s annual base salary is $150,000, while $153,750 is the annual base salary for those on an H1-B Visa.
  8. In 2020 Uber Eats increased revenue by 200%.
  9. Uber also has stakes in other ridesharing companies in other countries including Yandex Taxi in Russia (37%), Didi in China (15%), and Southeast Asia’s Grab (19%).

Uber stats concept, a man and a woman are waiting for taxi around skyscrapers.

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How many rides does Uber do in a day?

On average there were 17.4 million trips a day in the year 2021.

How much does the average person spend on Uber?

Monthly, the average Uber user spends $95.

How many people use Uber each year?

Across 16 countries, Uber has over 5 million regular active users, and there are plans to expand even further into more countries.


Even though the pandemic hit the rideshare market really hard, Uber is coming back stronger than ever and will continue to dominate the rideshare market.


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