2024 Guide to the Marketplaces Amazon Has Around the World

marketplaces amazon

If you’re looking to get into the world of product selling, you’ve probably been tempted to start an Amazon Marketplace store.

But what exactly is Amazon Marketplace, what marketplaces are available around the globe, and how do you choose which Amazon Marketplace to sell on?

We’ll answer these questions and more in this short guide! 

What is Amazon Marketplace?

Amazon Marketplace is a seller-centered e-commerce platform that allows third-party small business owners to manage their online storefronts and sell their products through Amazon.

Sellers can list new or used items on the Amazon Marketplace at a fixed price with images, videos, and descriptions of their products. 

So, how many Amazon Marketplaces are there? 

There are 20 Amazon Marketplaces worldwide, each with its own diverse product demand and potential buyers. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Amazon Marketplace 

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Before choosing an Amazon Marketplace to sell products on, there are a couple of primary factors that you’ll want to consider.

These factors are product demand and the economic metrics of the marketplace. Let’s go over each of these in detail.


As you’re trying to decide which Amazon Marketplace is best for the product or products you sell, research what is in demand in the country you’re wanting to target.

To find out what’s in demand, simply visit the Amazon Marketplace website that’s in the country you’re thinking of selling in, and click the “Best Sellers” tab on the main page.

This can give you a clue as to how well the products in your inventory will sell in that marketplace or give you an idea of what you should buy and sell for a profit. 

Economic Metrics

As a seller, you want to target an Amazon Marketplace that sees a large number of net sales. 

This gives you more exposure to potential buyers and puts you at a greater advantage in selling your products. 

Analysis of Select Amazon Marketplaces


Now that you understand the key points of choosing an Amazon Marketplace, we’re going to take a look at a list of Amazon Marketplaces that are the most promising options for sellers. 

These are the biggest Amazon Marketplaces by country, with Amazon United States leading the pack. 

Without further ado, let’s dive into our Amazon Marketplaces list with website links.

Amazon United States

Amazon United States is the largest Amazon Marketplace and saw net sales of $356 billion dollars in 2022, making it the most profitable Amazon Marketplace in the world.

Amazon US has nearly 200 million active users each month, so it has high traffic that could potentially mean sales for you. 

That said, Amazon US is highly competitive because of its metrics and is a popular marketplace for sellers to flood, which equals competition for your e-commerce business. 

There are currently over 1 million sellers on Amazon United States.

Amazon Canada

Amazon Canada may be a good choice for sellers. It saw over $1 billion dollars in sales in 2019, and each year Amazon CA continues to grow and expand its profits. 

Amazon CA currently has 400,000 sellers, which makes it a less competitive space for small e-commerce sellers. 

This marketplace targets a largely English-speaking audience, so it’s easy to navigate, do product research, and interact with customers. It’s also accessible from Amazon US accounts, so you could attract US-based buyers, as well.

Amazon United Kingdom

Another alternative to Amazon US is Amazon UK. Like Amazon US and Amazon CA, Amazon United Kingdom has a mostly English-speaking population to market your products.

It’s also a gateway into the European market, potentially opening doors for selling in other marketplaces throughout the UK, such as Facebook Marketplace. 

Amazon UK currently has roughly 281,000 sellers, making it an entry-level market to compete in. Net sales for Amazon UK were $30 billion dollars in 2022. 

Amazon Mexico

Amazon Mexico is a low-competition choice for sellers in the field of e-commerce. 

If you’re a Spanish-speaking seller, you may thrive in this environment and have the potential of growing your online presence and expanding to North American audiences. 

Amazon MX saw approximately $2.5 billion dollars in sales revenue in 2021. 

Amazon Germany

Germany is one of Europe’s largest markets and offers favorable tax conditions for Amazon sellers. 

Amazon Germany currently has 244,000 sellers, so the competition is pleasantly low in this marketplace despite over 430 million monthly visits. 

Amazon Japan

Amazon Japan is another low-competition option that we think would be attractive to e-commerce sellers. 

Amazon JP sees over 550 million visitors each month, and in this low-competition market, that could be a good shot for selling your products. 

Amazon Japan site visitors also seem to have a preference for higher-quality products, such as models and figurines, and computers and electronics if those fall within your niche.

Amazon Australia

Amazon Australia is a new Amazon Marketplace opportunity that could be a fantastic jumpstart to your e-commerce business. 

Australia is a predominately English-speaking population, which makes navigating the marketplace and marketing your products a breeze if you’re not bi-lingual. 

Amazon Australia currently only has 14,000 sellers.

Amazon India

Though there are over 205,000 sellers on Amazon India, this marketplace sees a promising number of site visitors each month to market your products.

Amazon India has amassed approximately $20 billion dollars in sales with revenue increasing each month.


What are the top Amazon marketplaces?

Amazon US, Amazon CA, Amazon MX, and Amazon UK are the top Amazon Marketplaces.

How many marketplaces does Amazon operate in?

As of 2024, Amazon operates in 20 marketplaces around the world.

Can you sell on multiple Amazon marketplaces?

You can sell on multiple Amazon marketplaces to target various niches that may do well in different countries, but it’s not always the easiest or most profitable option. 


When choosing a marketplace to sell your products on, you want to choose the Amazon Marketplace that has a high demand for the product or products you want to sell, has frequent site traffic, and doesn’t have an abundance of sellers to create competition for your store. 


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