35+ Fascinating HR Statistics 2024 [Facts and Trends]

HR is an umbrella term that covers things such as job satisfaction, employee engagement, performance, and employee management. The HR department has to make some very important decisions that have the potential to affect the whole company so it helps to know what works and what doesn’t.

The following revealing HR statistics, facts, and trends will help anyone who works in the HR team make the hard decisions they have to make every day.

General HR Statistics 2024

  • On average, 250 resumes are sent for every corporate job offer.
  • HR managers consider Tuesday to be the most productive day of the week.
  • 78% of workers say the pandemic has had a negative effect on their mental health.
  • When a company has a higher gender diversity, it is 15% more likely to perform better.
  • Median household income increased by 7% between 2020 and 2021. As of December 2021, the number of job openings was 10.9 million.
  • The most important information for job seekers is salary (67%) and then benefits (63%).

Employee Onboarding Statistics 2024

  • Major concerns for employees are job security (31.7%) and anxiety about the economy (30.6%).
  • If an employee experiences positive onboarding, 69% of them are more likely to stay with a company for three years.
  • 91% of new employees who receive company swag as part of onboarding say it makes them feel welcome.
  • One-quarter of company onboarding programs include no form of training.
  • Within the first 45 days is when up to 20% of staff turnover takes place.

Employee Engagement Statistics 2024

  • At the beginning of 2021, a Gallup poll found that 36% of employees in the US felt engaged in their work. Globally, the figure is 20%.
  • 45% of employees find their work emotionally draining, and younger employees are more likely to feel this way.
  • During the pandemic, many professionals transitioned to remote work and 70% say they now work on weekends.
  • According to a survey of LA workers, 45% work more hours during the week than before the pandemic.
  • 51% of managers say they don’t feel engaged.
  • When a company has a high rate of employee engagement it is 21% more profitable.
  • One-third of employees look for a new job because they’re bored with their current role.
  • Networking is important for future opportunities, according to 89% of workers.

Employee Training & Development Statistics 2024

HR training statistics concept, a HR manager is watering employees as if flowers.

  • Headspace, a meditation app, reports that interest from organizations has grown by more than 500%.
  • Employee loyalty can be improved by 79% when adopting one or more of the five wellness initiatives, which include active listening, modeling wellness, revisiting values, addressing wellness in reviews, and introducing the concept of “bookends” to the workday.
  • Employee learning is supported by 83% of executives.
  • Learning engagement is not measured by 24% of development professionals.

Performance Management Statistics 2024

  • Constant communication, a mentorship culture, and collaboration will become the future mandate in a high-performing workplace, according to 75% of senior HR managers.
  • Managers are being asked to focus more on behaviors than outcomes when assessing employee performance, in 22% of organizations.
  • 12% of managers are being asked to focus on outcomes rather than behaviors.

General HR statistics concept, a man is sitting at the desk looking at the profiles of people.

HR Software & Technology Market Statistics 2024

  • The majority of employers are feeling optimistic about AI and automation in their companies.
  • 75% of recruiters use applicant tracking software.
  • 79% of recruiters use social media.
  • Applicant tracking systems are used by 98% of Fortune 500 companies.
  • More than half of businesses use HR technology to help find, attract, and keep talent.
  • Cloud solutions are used by roughly 44% of talent managers to increase efficiency and productivity.
  • The global demand for HR software is expected to pass $10 billion this year (2022).

Interesting HR Statistics 2024

  • Almost three in five employees report experiencing negative impacts of work-related stress, including lack of motivation, energy, and interest.
  • 59% of managers are reporting that they work more than before the pandemic.
  • By the year 2025, 75% of the workforce will be millennials.
  • When a company has a higher ethnic and racial diversity, it is 35% more likely to perform better.
  • On average, a recruiter will spend five to seven seconds looking at a resume.
  • Dress too trendy or fashionable and 70% of recruiters will reject you.

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What is a good HR ratio?

According to Bloomberg BNA’s HR Department Benchmarks and Analysis report, a good rule of thumb ratio is 1.4 full-time HR staff per 100 employees.

How many employees do you need before you need HR?

Ideally, you need 15 employees before you need HR.

What percentage should businesses invest in human resources?

According to research from HRE and Valoir, most employers spend around $40 on HR technology and services, per employee per month.


If you keep yourself up to date with HR statistics, trends, and facts it will help you make the best decisions for your workforce. The statistics collected above should help make your job much easier and help you avoid making important decisions on your own.


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