26 Cool Resume Stats 2024 [Land the Best Job for You]

Resume stats - Here are a few facts to keep in mind if you’re currently applying for jobs.

A well-crafted resume can make or break your chances of getting hired.

One way this can be achieved is through the use of an online resume builder.

There are lots of things you can do to lift your resume out of the ordinary. If you want to spruce up your resume with Lensa, the suggestion is to add a few resume keywords which will vary depending on the job position and the requirements of the opening.

Here are a few facts to keep in mind if you’re currently applying for jobs.

Must-Know Resume Stats and Facts 2024

  1. The ideal word count for a resume is between 475 – 600. However, 77% of resumes are outside that range.
  2. Only 10% of applicants who submit a resume will get a job interview.
  3. More than half of all resumes are not written specifically for the job or employer.
  4. 51% of resumes contain irrelevant words or cliches that can negatively impact your chance of getting hired.
  5. Using a professional resume writer can increase your chances of getting hired by 32%.
  6. You increase your chance of getting rejected by 88% if you include a photo.

Recruiter and Resume Stats 2024

  1. ¼ all hiring managers spend less than 30 seconds glancing over a resume.
  2. 85% of recruiters believe that job seekers exaggerate skills and competencies on their resumes.
  3. The main reason recruiters reject applicants is that their resume is impersonal (84%).
  4. 63% of recruiters say they prefer to receive a resume that’s tailored to the open position. Having professional resume templates to work with makes this easier for applicants.

Resume and Skills Statistics 2024

  1. 19% of people include their personal interests on their resumes.
  2. The most common soft skill to list is “communication” (11% of resumes), followed by leadership (9%) and time management (8%).
  3. The ability to use Microsoft Office is the most common hard still written on resumes (12%).
  4. 8 out of the top 10 hard skills are software-related.
  5. 31% of people list additional languages they can speak. The most common language is Spanish (5.7%).

Must-Know Resume Stats and Facts

Resume and Cover Letter Statistics 2024

Resume and Cover Letter Statistics

  1. A cover letter may not be required, although 55% of medium-sized companies and 65% of startups ask for one.
  2. 10% of recruiters will reject the applicant if a cover letter is not included.
  3. 26% of cover letters are in a hard-to-ready format.
  4. Nearly 50% of recruiters like cover letters because it shows determination, while 23% say it shows personality.
  5. 84% of cover letters do not address the hiring manager directly, which can be a deal-breaker for many employers.

Resume Best Practices Statistics 2024

  1. Most resumes have an average of 489 words.
  2. Having a professional email address is crucial. Employers tend to reject ⅓ of all applicants based on an unprofessional email address.
  3. Having a spelling or grammar mistake can increase your chances of being rejected by 77%
  4. 13 is the ideal number of skills to list on your resume. However, the average on most resumes is 21.8.
  5. Having a two-page resume can increase your chances of getting hired for a management role 2.9x.
  6. Make sure your resume is simple and focused – ¾ of applicants are rejected automatically by ATS because the software couldn’t read it clearly.
  7. Only 48% of resumes include the applicant’s LinkedIn profile.

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What percentage of resumes are rejected?

There are numerous reasons why a hiring manager might reject your application. Since 90% of large companies use an ATS for hiring, it’s important to format your resume so that it can be read by a computer. 75% are rejected before they even reach the recruiter’s desk. The majority of recruiters reject a resume because it’s impersonal, while 54% will if the resume is generic and not customized.

How many resumes should I have?

Most applicants should have one resume that they tailor for the specific job or employer. If you are applying for two or more roles that are drastically different from each other, then you can have multiple resumes.

How many skills should you list on your resume?

The average resume lists 13 different skills. This should be a mix of soft and hard skills.

Soft skills are transferable and not related specifically to your job (the most common soft skill is “communication.”

Hard skills are things you’ve learned, like your ability to use certain software programs.


If you want to impress your future employer, make sure your resume is in tip-top shape. This is your chance to show off your skills and convince the hiring manager that you’re the right person for the job.


  • Finances Online
  • Zety
  • Resume Now
  • Cultivated Culture
  • Forbes
  • Resume Coach

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