How to Push Git Tags to Remote: Tutorial

Git tags serve as valuable markers for specific moments in a repository’s history, such as notable releases or crucial milestones. Although working with local tags is a common practice, it’s important to know how to push them to a remote repository, allowing team members to access and refer to them. This article will guide you through the process of pushing Git tags to a remote repository.

Step 1: Generate a Git tag

To begin, create a Git tag by using the git tag command, followed by the desired tag name and the commit reference you want to tag. For instance, to tag the most recent commit as “v1.0”, execute:

git tag v1.0

To create a tag for a specific commit, include the commit hash at the end of the command:

git tag v1.0 <commit-hash>

Step 2: Confirm the tag

To verify the successful creation of the tag, list all the tags in your repository by running:

git tag

This command displays all existing tags, including the one you just added.

Step 3: Transfer the tag to the remote repository

To push a single tag to the remote repository, use the git push command, followed by the remote name (typically “origin”) and the tag name:

git push origin v1.0

This command pushes the “v1.0” tag to the remote repository. Replace “v1.0” with the specific tag name you wish to push.

Step 4: Push multiple or all tags to the remote repository

If you need to push multiple tags to the remote repository simultaneously, employ the --tags option with the git push command:

git push origin --tags

This command transfers all local repository tags to the remote repository.

Step 5: Validate the remote tags

To ensure the successful transfer of tags to the remote repository, use the git ls-remote --tags command, followed by the remote name:

git ls-remote --tags origin

This command lists all tags in the remote repository, including those you recently pushed.


Pushing Git tags to a remote repository is essential for sharing critical milestones or releases with your team. By following these steps, you can effortlessly push individual or multiple tags to your remote repository, guaranteeing that all team members have access to the same reference points in your codebase. Keep in mind that tags are instrumental in organizing and managing your project’s history, making it simpler to navigate and comprehend the progression of development.


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