How To Check Angular Version

AngularJS is a widely-used JavaScript framework that helps developers build dynamic, maintainable, and testable web applications. As the framework evolves, new features and improvements are introduced, and it’s essential to know which version of AngularJS you’re using in your projects. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to check the version of AngularJS, both in your project files and directly in the browser.

Method 1: Checking the AngularJS Version in Your Project Files

Step 1: Locate the AngularJS library file

The first step is to locate the AngularJS library file in your project. This file is usually named angular.js or angular.min.js (minified version). You can find this file in your project’s JavaScript folder or a subfolder like ‘libs’ or ‘vendor’.

Step 2: Open the AngularJS library file

Open the AngularJS library file in your preferred text editor or integrated development environment (IDE). At the top of the file, you’ll find a comment block containing information about the library, such as the version number, release date, and license details.

Step 3: Find the version number

Look for the version number in the comment block, which is usually in the following format: v1.X.Y, where X and Y represent the major and minor version numbers, respectively. The version number should be clearly visible, and you can now identify the specific AngularJS version used in your project.

Method 2: Checking the AngularJS Version Directly in the Browser

Step 1: Load your web application

Open your web application in your preferred browser, ensuring that AngularJS is properly loaded and functional. This method assumes that your application is already using AngularJS and it is correctly implemented.

Step 2: Open the browser’s developer tools

Access the developer tools in your browser. In most browsers, you can open the developer tools by right-clicking on any part of the web page and selecting “Inspect” or “Inspect Element” from the context menu. Alternatively, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Chrome, Edge, and Opera: Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Opt + I (Mac)
  • Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Opt + I (Mac)
  • Safari: Cmd + Opt + I

Step 3: Access the JavaScript console

Navigate to the “Console” tab in your browser’s developer tools. The console allows you to execute JavaScript commands directly in the browser.

Step 4: Check the AngularJS version

To check the version of AngularJS, type the following command in the console and press Enter:


The console should display an object containing the version information, including the major, minor, and patch numbers. For example:

  full: "1.8.2",
  major: 1,
  minor: 8,
  dot: 2,
  codeName: "XXXXXXXX"

In this example, the AngularJS version is 1.8.2.


Knowing the version of AngularJS used in your projects is essential for understanding compatibility, debugging, and upgrading your applications. This article has provided two methods to check the AngularJS version: examining the library file in your project and using the browser’s developer tools. By following these steps, you can easily determine the specific version of AngularJS in use and ensure that your application is up to date with the latest features and


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