Fix: mat-form-field must contain a MatFormFieldControl error in Angular

Angular Material is a popular UI component library that provides a variety of easy-to-use, stylish components for building modern web applications. However, developers may occasionally encounter issues or errors when working with Angular Material components. One such common error is the “Mat-Form-Field must contain a MatFormFieldControl” error when using the MatFormField component. In this article, we will explore the causes of this error and provide solutions to fix it.

Understanding the Error

The “Mat-Form-Field must contain a MatFormFieldControl” error occurs when an Angular Material form field (MatFormField) is not associated with a compatible form control. MatFormField is designed to work with specific form controls provided by Angular Material, such as MatInput and MatSelect. The error arises when the form field is missing a compatible control, or the control is incorrectly implemented.

Fixing the Error

There are several ways to fix the “Mat-Form-Field must contain a MatFormFieldControl” error. Here are some common solutions:

  1. Ensure you have the proper form control:

First, make sure you are using a compatible Angular Material form control with your MatFormField. For instance, use the MatInput or MatSelect components, which are designed to work with MatFormField.


  <input matInput placeholder="Your Name" [(ngModel)]="name">
  1. Verify that you’ve imported the necessary modules:

Ensure that you’ve imported the required Angular Material modules in your application module. For example, you need to import MatInputModule and MatFormFieldModule to work with MatInput.

In your app.module.ts:

import { MatInputModule } from '@angular/material/input';
import { MatFormFieldModule } from '@angular/material/form-field';

  imports: [
    // ...
export class AppModule { }
  1. Check for typos or incorrect directives:

A common cause of this error is using an incorrect directive or a typo in the HTML template. Double-check your template to ensure you’ve used the correct directives and haven’t made any typographical errors.


  <input matinput placeholder="Your Name" [(ngModel)]="name">


  <input matInput placeholder="Your Name" [(ngModel)]="name">
  1. Make sure the control is a direct child of the form field:

The form control must be a direct child of the MatFormField component to avoid this error. If you have additional elements or containers between the form field and the control, you may encounter the error.


    <input matInput placeholder="Your Name" [(ngModel)]="name">


  <input matInput placeholder="Your Name" [(ngModel)]="name">


The “Mat-Form-Field must contain a MatFormFieldControl” error in Angular can be resolved by using a compatible form control, importing the required modules, fixing typos or incorrect directives, and ensuring the control is a direct child of the form field. By following these solutions, you can effectively fix the error and continue to build your Angular application with the powerful features of Angular Material.


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