AngularJS Services and Providers

AngularJS, the popular JavaScript framework from Google, offers a range of features that make it a strong choice for building robust web applications. Two such features are Services and Providers, which are the backbone of an AngularJS application’s architecture. In this article, we will delve into AngularJS Services and Providers, exploring what they are, why they matter, and how to use them effectively.

AngularJS Services

In AngularJS, a service is a function or an object that is used to perform specific tasks. It holds some business logic and these function can be called as controllers, directive, filters and so on.

Understanding Services

AngularJS services are essentially objects that encapsulate code that can be shared across various parts of an application. They allow developers to organize and share code across an application in a consistent manner. These services are lazily instantiated, meaning they are only created when a component depends on them for the first time, and are singleton, meaning only one instance of a service gets created throughout the lifecycle of an application.

AngularJS offers several built-in services, like $http to make XMLHttpRequests, and $route to set up routing for an application. Besides these built-in services, you can also create custom services.

Creating a Custom Service

Creating a custom service in AngularJS involves using the .service method, which takes the name of the service (to be used as a reference) and the service function as parameters. Here’s a simple example:

app.service('customService', function() {
    this.sayHello = function() {
        return 'Hello from custom service!';

In the above example, customService is the name of the service, and sayHello is a method that returns a greeting message. Once defined, this service can be injected into other components like controllers and other services for use.

AngularJS Providers

While services are a vital part of AngularJS, they wouldn’t be possible without Providers. Providers in AngularJS are the core service behind every AngularJS service. In fact, all AngularJS services are internally created and managed by providers.

Understanding Providers

Providers are unique in that they can be configured during the module configuration phase. They are the only service that can be passed into the module’s .config function. This makes them more flexible and configurable than other services.

In a nutshell, a provider is an object with a $get method. The $get method is a factory function that creates the service. When you ask for a service, AngularJS uses the provider to create an instance of the service.

Creating a Custom Provider

Here’s an example of creating a custom provider:

app.provider('customProvider', function() {
    var greeting = 'Hello';

    return {
        setGreeting: function(text) {
            greeting = text;
        $get: function() {
            return {
                greet: function() {
                    return greeting + ' from custom provider!';

In this example, customProvider is the name of the provider. It has a method setGreeting for setting the greeting message and a $get function that returns an object with a greet method.


In conclusion, AngularJS services and providers are fundamental building blocks for developing applications with the AngularJS framework. They promote modularity, reusability, and separation of concerns in an application’s architecture. Understanding these concepts and how to use them effectively is crucial to becoming proficient in AngularJS and writing maintainable and testable code.


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