This is a comprehensive list of adjectives that start with S. These S adjectives are great for all of your descriptive needs. If you need words that start with S, this is the list for you. So go on and read about some good adjectives that start with S.
Table of Contents
ToggleAdjectives that Start with S 2024
Here are some super descriptive words that start with S. If you need to select the perfect adjective, this list is full of nice adjectives that start with S.
- Saccharine
- Sacred
- Sacrificial
- Sacrilegious
- Sad
- Saddened
- Safe
- Sagacious
- Saintly
- Salacious
- Salient
- Salt
- Salted
- Salty
- Salubrious
- Salvageable
- Salvaged
- Same
- Sanctimonious
- Sandy
- Sane
- Sanguine
- Sanitary
- Sappy
- Sarcastic
- Sardonic
- Sartorial
- Sassy
- Satin
- Satiny
- Satiric
- Satirical
- Satisfactory
- Satisfied
- Satisfying
- Saucy
- Savage
- Savory
- Savvy
- Scalding
- Scaly
- Scandalous
- Scant
- Scanty
- Scarce
- Scared
- Scarred
- Scary
- Scathing
- Scattered
- Scenic
- Scented
- Scheduled
- Schematic
- Scholarly
- Scholastic
- Scientific
- Scintillating
- Scorching
- Scornful
- Scottish
- Scrabbled
- Scraggly
- Scrappy
- Scratched
- Scratchy
- Scrawny
- Screaming
- Screeching
- Scribbled
- Scriptural
- Scruffy
- Scrumptious
- Scrupulous
- Sculpted
- Sculptural
- Scummy
- Seamless
- Searching
- Searing
- Seasick
- Seasonable
- Seasonal
- Secluded
- Second
- Second-Hand
- Secondary
- Secret
- Secretive
- Secular
- Secure
- Secured
- Sedate
- Seditious
- Seductive
- Seedy
- Seeming
- Seemly
- Seething
- Seismic
- Select
- Selected
- Selective
- Self-Absorbed
- Self-Aggrandizing
- Self-Assured
- Self-Centered
- Self-Confident
- Self-Directed
- Self-Disciplined
- Self-Effacing
- Self-Indulgent
- Self-Interested
- Self-Reliant
- Self-Respect
- Self-Satisfied
- Selfish
- Selfless
- Sellable
- Semi-Professional
- Semiconscious
- Semiofficial
- Semiprecious
- Senior
- Sensational
- Senseless
- Sensible
- Sensitive
- Sensual
- Sensuous
- Sentimental
- Separate
- Sequential
- Serendipitous
- Serene
- Serial
- Serious
- Serpentine
- Serrated
- Serviceable
- Seven
- Seventh
- Several
- Severe
- Shabbiest
- Shabby
- Shaded
- Shadowed
- Shadowy
- Shady
- Shaggy
- Shaky
- Shallow
- Shamefaced
- Shameful
- Shameless
- Shapeless
- Shapely
- Sharp
- Sharpened
- Shattered
- Shattering
- Shee
- Sheepish
- Sheltered
- Shifty
- Shimmering
- Shining
- Shintoist
- Shiny
- Shivering
- Shivery
- Shocked
- Shocking
- Shoddy
- Short
- Short-Lived
- Short-Tempered
- Short-Term
- Shortsighted
- Showy
- Shrewd
- Shrieking
- Shrill
- Shut
- Shy
- Sick
- Sickened
- Sickening
- Sickly
- Side-Splitting
- Signed
- Significant
- Silent
- Silky
- Silly
- Silver
- Silver-Tongued
- Simian
- Similar
- Simple
- Simpleminded
- Simplified
- Simplistic
- Simultaneous
- Sincere
- Sinful
- Single
- Single-Minded
- Singular
- Sinister
- Sinuous
- Sisterly
- Six
- Sixth
- Sizable
- Sizzling
- Skeptical
- Sketchy
- Skilled
- Skillful
- Skimpy
- Skin-Deep
- Skinny
- Skittish
- Sky-Blue
- Slanderous
- Slanted
- Slanting
- Sleek
- Sleeping
- Sleepless
- Sleepy
- Slender
- Slick
- Slight
- Slim
- Slimy
- Slippery
- Sloped
- Sloping
- Sloppy
- Slothful
- Slow
- Slow-Moving
- Sluggish
- Slushy
- Sly
- Small
- Small-Minded
- Small-Scale
- Small-Time
- Small-Town
- Smaller
- Smallest
- Smarmy
- Smart
- Smarter
- Smartest
- Smashing
- Smeared
- Smelly
- Smiling
- Smoggy
- Smoked
- Smoky
- Smooth
- Smothering
- Smudged
- Smug
- Snaky
- Snapping
- Snappish
- Snappy
- Snarling
- Sneaky
- Snide
- Snippy
- Snobbish
- Snoopy
- Snooty
- Snoring
- Snotty
- Snug
- Snugly
- Soaked
- Soaking
- Soaking Wet
- Soaring
- Sober
- Sociable
- Social
- Socialist
- Sociological
- Soft
- Softhearted
- Soggy
- Solar
- Soldierly
- Sole
- Solemn
- Solicitous
- Solid
- Solitary
- Somatic
- Somber
- Some
- Sonic
- Sonly
- Soothed
- Soothing
- Sophisticated
- Sordid
- Sore
- Sorrowful
- Sorry
- Soulful
- Soulless
- Soundless
- Sour
- South
- Southeasterly
- Southern
- Southwestern
- Spacious
- Spanish
- Spare
- Sparing
- Sparkling
- Sparkly
- Sparse
- Spasmodic
- Spastic
- Spatial
- Spattered
- Special
- Specialist
- Specialized
- Specific
- Speckled
- Spectacular
- Spectral
- Speculative
- Speechless
- Speedy
- Spellbinding
- Spendthrift
- Spherical
- Spicy
- Spiffy
- Spiky
- Spinal
- Spine-Chilling
- Spineless
- Spiral
- Spiraled
- Spirited
- Spiritless
- Spiritual
- Spiteful
- Splashing
- Splashy
- Splattered
- Splendid
- Splintered
- Spoiled
- Spoken
- Spongy
- Spontaneous
- Spooky
- Sporadic
- Sporting
- Sports Manly
- Spotless
- Spotted
- Spotty
- Springy
- Sprite
- Spry
- Spurious
- Squalid
- Squandered
- Square
- Squashed
- Squashy
- Squatting
- Squawking
- Squealing
- Squeamish
- Squeezable
- Squiggly
- Squirming
- Squirrelly
- Stable
- Stackable
- Stacked
- Staggering
- Stagnant
- Stained
- Stale
- Stanch
- Standard
- Standing
- Standoffish
- Star-Crossed
- Starched
- Stark
- Startled
- Startling
- Starving
- Stately
- Static
- Statistical
- Statuesque
- Status
- Statutory
- Staunch
- Steadfast
- Steady
- Stealth
- Steaming
- Steamy
- Steel
- Steely
- Steep
- Stereophonic
- Stereotyped
- Stereotypical
- Sterile
- Stern
- Sticky
- Stiff
- Stifled
- Stifling
- Stigmatic
- Still
- Stilled
- Stilted
- Stimulating
- Stinging
- Stingy
- Stinking
- Stinky
- Stirring
- Stock
- Stodgy
- Stoic
- Stony
- Stormy
- Stout
- Straggly
- Straight
- Straightforward
- Stranded
- Strange
- Strategic
- Streaked
- Street
- Strenuous
- Stressful
- Stretchy
- Strict
- Strident
- Striking
- Stringent
- Striped
- Strong
- Stronger
- Strongest
- Structural
- Stubborn
- Stubby
- Stuck-Up
- Studied
- Studious
- Stuffed
- Stuffy
- Stumbling
- Stunned
- Stunning
- Stupendous
- Sturdy
- Stuttering
- Stylish
- Stylistic
- Suave
- Subconscious
- Subdued
- Subject
- Subjective
- Sublime
- Subliminal
- Submissive
- Subordinate
- Subsequent
- Subservient
- Substantial
- Substantiated
- Substitute
- Subterranean
- Subtitled
- Subtle
- Subversive
- Successful
- Successive
- Succinct
- Succulent
- Such
- Sudden
- Suffering
- Sufficient
- Sugary
- Suggestive
- Suitable
- Sulky
- Sullen
- Sumptuous
- Sunny
- Super
- Super-Sensitive
- Superabundant
- Superb
- Supercilious
- Superficial
- Superhuman
- Superior
- Superlative
- Supernatural
- Supersonic
- Superstitious
- Supple
- Supportive
- Supposed
- Suppressive
- Supreme
- Sure
- Sure-Footed
- Surgical
- Surly
- Surmountable
- Surprised
- Surprising
- Surrealistic
- Survivable
- Susceptible
- Suspected
- Suspicious
- Sustainable
- Swaggering
- Swanky
- Swaying
- Sweaty
- Sweeping
- Sweet
- Sweltering
- Swift
- Swinish
- Swishing
- Swollen
- Swooping
- Syllabic
- Symbiotic
- Symbolic
- Symmetrical
- Sympathetic
- Symptomatic
- Synergistic
- Synonymous
- Syntactic
- Synthetic
- Systematic
Positive Adjectives That Start With S 2024
Here are some positive adjectives that start with S. If you need some adjectives that start with S to describe a person positively, this is the list for you.
- Saccharine
- Sacred
- Safe
- Saintly
- Salaried
- Salvageable
- Salvaged
- Sanctified
- Sane
- Sanitary
- Sapient
- Satisfactory
- Savable
- Savant
- Scenic
- Scented
- Scheduled
- Schematic
- Scholarly
- Scientific
- Scintillating
- Scrumptious
- Seamless
- Secure
- Select
- Selected
- Senior
- Sensational
- Serious
- Sharp
- Sharpened
- Sheer
- Shining
- Shiny
- Showy
- Significant
- Simplified
- Sincere
- Sisterly
- Sizable
- Skilled
- Skillful
- Skinny
- Slender
- Smart
- Smarter
- Smartest
- Smiling
- Smokeless
- Snappy
- Soaring
- Social
- Socratic
- Soft
- Softening
- Soothed
- Soothing
- Spacious
- Sparkling
- Special
- Specialist
- Specific
- Spectacular
- Speedy
- Spirited
- Spiritual
- Splendid
- Stability
- Stable
- Staid
- Standard
- Standing
- Stately
- Steadfast
- Stimulating
- Straight
- Strategic
- Stunning
- Sturdy
- Stylish
- Suave
- Sublime
- Substantiated
- Successful
- Sufficient
- Suitable
- Super
- Superb
- Superior
- Supple
- Supreme
- Sure
- Survivable
- Sustainable
- Swanky
- Sweet
- Swift
- Symmetrical
- Sympathetic
- Systematic
Negative Adjectives That Start With S 2024
Some more negative adjectives start with the letter S. They are sure to work in context.
- Sad
- Saddened
- Salty
- Sanctimonious
- Sarcastic
- Sardonic
- Sassy
- Savage
- Scalding
- Scaly
- Scamp
- Scandalous
- Scant
- Scanty
- Scared
- Scarred
- Scary
- Scathing
- Scorching
- Scornful
- Scraggly
- Scratched
- Scratchy
- Scrawny
- Screaming
- Scruffy
- Scummy
- Seditious
- Seedy
- Selfish
- Senseless
- Shabbier
- Shabbiest
- Shabby
- Shallow
- Sham
- Shameful
- Sheepish
- Showy
- Shrieking
- Shrill
- Sick
- Sickened
- Sickening
- Sickly
- Sidelined
- Sinister
- Skeptical
- Sketchy
- Skittish
- Slimy
- Sloppy
- Slow
- Sluggish
- Smelly
- Smoggy
- Smudged
- Snarling
- Sneaky
- Snide
- Snobbish
- Snooty
- Snoring
- Soggy
- Sole
- Sore
- Sorry
- Sparse
- Spasmodic
- Spastic
- Spattered
- Spineless
- Spiteful
- Splattered
- Splintered
- Spoiled
- Squirrelly
- Stagnant
- Stale
- Stark
- Stereotyped
- Stern
- Stiff
- Stilted
- Stinging
- Stingy
- Straggly
- Stranded
- Stressful
- Strict
- Stubby
- Stumbling
- Stunned
- Stuttering
- Subdued
- Submissive
- Subordinate
- Subservient
- Subversive
- Sullen
Adjectives that Start with S to Describe a Person 2024
If you are trying to describe a person, look no further than this list of s adjectives. There is bound to be the right word here for you, regardless of the needed meaning – it’s sure to be here.
- Sad
- Saintly
- Sane
- Sarcastic
- Satisfied
- Scholarly
- Scientific
- Scottish
- Secure
- Seductive
- Self-Absorbed
- Self-Assured
- Self-Centered
- Self-Confident
- Self-Interested
- Selfish
- Selfless
- Self-Reliant
- Self-Satisfied
- Sellable
- Senior
- Sensational
- Senseless
- Sensitive
- Sentimental
- Serious
- Shintoist
- Shocked
- Short
- Short-Tempered
- Shrewd
- Sick
- Silly
- Simpleminded
- Sincere
- Sinful
- Single
- Single-Minded
- Skilled
- Sleeping
- Sleepy
- Slender
- Slick
- Slim
- Sly
- Small
- Smart
- Smartest
- Sneaky
- Snotty
- Soaked
- Sober
- Sociable
- Softhearted
- Spanish
- Special
- Spectacular
- Speechless
- Spineless
- Spirited
- Spiritless
- Spiteful
- Splendid
- Spoiled
- Spooky
- Stable
- Star-Crossed
- Startled
- Steaming
- Sterile
- Stern
- Straight
- Strange
- Strong
- Strongest
- Stubborn
- Stuck-Up
- Studious
- Stunned
- Stunning
- Stylish
- Suave
- Submissive
- Successful
- Super
- Superb
- Superior
- Super-Sensitive
- Supreme
- Suspected
- Sweet
What are the most common adjectives that start with S?
Some of the most common adjectives that start with S include: scary, selfish, shiny, shy, silly, sleepy, smiling, smoggy, sore, sparkling, splendid, spotless, stormy, strange, stupid, successful, and super. There are so many adjectives starting with S. Even this list is only a sample.
What are the least common adjectives that start with S?
Some of the least common adjectives that start with S include: stereophonic, supercilious, spasmodic, and sagacious. This is because these words tend to be super specific, but see if you can still use one of them!
What are some personality adjectives that start with S?
Some good personality adjectives that start with S include: sad, scholarly, sarcastic, and shrewd. See if any of them fit your needs!
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So many adjectives start with S; it might be silly to try to know them all. Nevertheless, your list is still here!