FEMA IS-906 Answer Key

In today’s rapidly evolving world, workplace security has become a paramount concern for organizations across the globe. With threats ranging from cyberattacks to physical intrusions, the need for comprehensive security training is more pressing than ever. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recognizes this need and offers the IS-906 course, titled “Introduction to Workplace Security Awareness,” to address these concerns.

Course Overview

The IS-906 course, “Introduction to Workplace Security Awareness,” is designed to provide individuals and organizations with guidance on security issues related to the workplace. The primary objective of this course is to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify potential risks in the workplace and take appropriate measures to mitigate them.

Key Objectives

Upon completing the course, participants will be equipped to:

  • Identify potential risks and vulnerabilities in the workplace.
  • Implement measures to enhance workplace security.
  • Respond effectively to emergency situations related to security breaches.
  • Recognize core competencies that may hinder the progress of workspace balance.
  • Understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of workplace resources.

Course Content Highlights

  1. Understanding Malicious Threats: The course delves into various threats, such as malicious code, which can disrupt the normal operation of computer systems. Participants learn to identify and counteract such threats to ensure the safety of digital assets.
  2. Recognizing Vulnerabilities: The course emphasizes the importance of understanding vulnerabilities, which are physical or operational attributes that make an entity susceptible to exploitation.
  3. Addressing Potential Workplace Violence: Participants are trained to recognize indicators of potential workplace violence and take proactive measures to prevent violent incidents.
  4. Dealing with Intruders: The course provides guidance on how to address suspected intruders, emphasizing the importance of open-ended questioning and maintaining civility.
  5. Protecting Personal Information: With the increasing importance of data privacy, the course offers insights into safeguarding personally identifiable information (PII) and the principles of “need to know” before disclosing such information.
  6. Understanding Social Engineering: Participants are introduced to the concept of social engineering, where tricksters manipulate individuals into revealing sensitive information.
  7. Implementing Access Controls: The course highlights the significance of controlling access points, such as doors and entrances, to mitigate security threats.
  8. Promoting Cybersecurity: With the rise of cyber threats, the course provides guidance on implementing password procedures, encryption software, and firewalls to protect digital assets.

Target Audience

The IS-906 course is designed for a broad audience, including private sector professionals, non-governmental organizations, government officials, community leaders, communication specialists, emergency management practitioners, first responders, and retail store employees, among others.


For a comprehensive understanding of the IS-906 course, it is recommended that participants complete the FEMA IS-700 course, titled “An Introduction to the National Incident Management System.”

In Conclusion

Workplace security is not just about installing alarms and surveillance cameras; it’s about creating a culture of awareness and preparedness. The FEMA IS-906 course serves as a foundational guide for individuals and organizations, arming them with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complex landscape of workplace security in the 21st century.


Table of Contents

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